There are normally two situations normally in which a business looks for hosting companies. One when they are making their website for the first time. Second when an existing business is getting issues in their current hosting service provider. If you fall in any of the above cases then this blog is definitely for you. Also, if you are someone who has been using shared hosting for a long time and searching for its alternatives then you have come at the right place.
By the end of this blog, you will get clarity about both Shared and VPS
hosting. Carry on reading for more information. So, let’s get started-
Shared Hosting
If you don’t have knowledge about which type
of hosting you are using then most likely it is shared hosting. It may also be
possible that when you were purchasing the domain the hosting service provider
has set it as a default hosting option.
What shared
hosting mean?
It is clear from the word “shared” that something is being
divided. Under this, you will be sharing
the same space for things like RAM, Disc space and CPU etc. with many other
website owners. If you want to opt for “Shared” hosting for your website then
you should definitely check out best hosting company
in India- HTS Hosting.
Benefits of
Shared hosting
1: Affordable
Hosting companies offer shared hosting at very
cheap price because users are not taking virtually any space on the
server. Most users go for this type
of hosting because either they are not
aware of various types of hosting or they are looking to save some money.
2: Setup is easy
You need
not be a technical geek in order to avail the benefits of shared hosting. If you are using for a single website
then you need not to even look at hosting (except when you have to pay its
charges). Things like Cpanel software make user life easier when they have to do some additional things.
3: Managed
Everything is managed under shared hosting.
You are just alike power user and
don’t need to worry about managing other things. Your hosting service provider
will take care of the issues like
maintenance and upgrade.
If by chance any issue happens with your website then your hosting service provider is reachable through call or message. For technical issues, they have a team which solves them.
Cons of Shared
Shared hosting has its own share of issues like your website is less secure in it and if the other
website is experiencing loads of
traffic then the speed of your website
will get affected as well. No doubt it is easy to use but it has very strict restrictions.
When to go for
Shared Hosting?
Shared hosting is good for people who are not
having much traffic on their website
or blog. Small businesses, bloggers, designers, photographers etc. can use it
easily without any hassle.
VPS Hosting
In Virtual
Private Servers (VPS) hosting a physical server is divided into compartments and sections, Each
compartment or section is dedicated to
your website, so in case one stops working others will continue to work.
Benefits of VPS
1: Better Security
In shared hosting, many websites are being hosted on the same server. If any of
the websites on the server get affected
by a virus then your website can also hamper
because everything is interconnected which is not the case with VPS Hosting.
2: Better Efficiency
In VPS there is no interconnection between the websites
hosted on the server. So, you get what
is offered by your hosting provider which is not the case in shared
3: The charge is in your hands
In VPS hosting you can easily install any kind of software easily like PHP Node. You get complete freedom to do anything with
your website which is not possible in shared hosting.
Cons of VPS
In VPS Hosting you need to have good technical knowledge to be able to manage it. If anything on the
server breaks then you have to deal with it alone. Also, VPS Costing
is very expensive when compared to
shared Hosting.
When to go for
VPS Hosting?
VPS hosting is best for anyone who is looking
for better efficiency and security. Also, if your website is getting a lot of
traffic. It is ideal for software developers who want to develop custom software’s.
If you are looking for VPS or shared hosting
then don’t look further, HTS Hosting is
the best for it.
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