Friday, April 29, 2022

 Every type of website needs to be hosted on the web server of a web hosting company, for it to remain accessible to site visitors. This is where the service of web hosting comes into play, as it makes it possible for site visitors to browse websites over the Internet. Here, you will get information on the service of web hosting, as well as on the four main types of web hosting solutions that ensure that site visitors experience seamless online connectivity to websites that have availed either of these hosting solutions.

The Service of Web Hosting

It won’t be an understatement to say that without the service of web hosting it won’t be possible to access websites. It is web hosting that makes it possible for site visitors from anywhere on the globe access any website that they want to, by simply having an active Internet connection on their electronic devices (tablets, laptops, smartphone, PCs) and by using their browsers.

Web hosting is a service that is meant for hosting websites of every type, in order to keep these sites accessible online to site visitors. This service is provided by web hosting companies, such as HTS Hosting, which is regarded as the Best Web Hosting Company globally. The service of web hosting, which is available in the form of web hosting plans for different types of web hosting solutions, is availed by the owners of websites. Web hosting companies that are also referred to as web hosts, offer different types of web hosting solutions, so that the varied hosting requirements of different types of sites can be catered to.

Every web hosting plan offers web server space, along with certain web hosting features. The web hosting features are usually plan specific and vary from plan to plan. Some of the important web hosting features that need to be present in an effective hosting solution are high uptime, fast page loading speed, powerful security, SSD storage, 24*7 technical support and an easy-to-use web hosting control panel. With regard to web server space, it is used for storing and processing the files of the hosted site/sites. There are certain web hosting solutions where multiple sites’ files are stored and processed on a single web server, whereas there are hosting plans that enable a single web server to store and process the files of a single website. Regardless of the type of web hosting plan that has been chosen, the stored files of every website are eventually retrieved by the browsers being used by site visitors. At this stage, the hosted site becomes accessible to the site visitors.

The service of web hosting not only provides the necessary web server space for storing and processing the files of the sites that have purchased the service of web hosting but also makes available all the technologies and the services that are needed for keeping sites up and running and seamlessly accessible over the Internet.

An appropriate web hosting solution needs to be availed from a professional and reliable web hosting company for ensuring the effective hosting of any website. You need to take into consideration your site’s hosting requirements for this purpose. Even your budget will play a role while choosing the best hosting plan to host your site. Next, let us run you through the options that you have, as web hosting solutions for hosting your website.

The Four Types of Web Hosting Solutions

As mentioned previously, different types of web hosting solutions cater to different types of hosting requirements. It is evident that the web hosting requirements of a blogging site will be quite different from that of an e-commerce site, which gets a lot of web traffic regularly. Hence, a certain web hosting solution which might be the most perfect hosting solution for a blogging site, will most definitely not be the right hosting solution for an e-commerce site, as both these types of websites have different types of hosting requirements. That is why, most of the professional and reliable web hosting companies offer a range of website hosting plans for different types of web hosting solutions.

The four main types of web hosting solutions that are regularly availed for making sites accessible online are Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, VPS Hosting and WordPress Hosting. Let us elaborate on each of these web hosting services, so that you are in a better position to decide the appropriateness of opting for any of these website hosting services as your ideal hosting option.

Let us begin with WordPress Hosting, which is a web hosting solution that is meant exclusively for WordPress sites.This type of web hosting solution caters specifically to the hosting requirements of WordPress sites and offers features that have been designed to fulfil the hosting needs of such sites, especially with regard to their security and performance.

Next is Shared Hosting. It is a web hosting solution that is popular as the most economical web hosting solution. In this type of web hosting service, a single web server hosts multiple websites. Hence, the files of multiple sites are stored and processed on a single web server, which results in the sharing of server resources, web server space and a common, shared IP address among all the sites that are hosted on the same physical web server. On the one hand, the shared server aspect renders this type of web hosting service as the most economical; on the other hand, it makes it impossible to customize the web server based on individual hosting requirements of those sharing the same server space. Moreover, site speed, security and performance take a beating in Shared Hosting due to the sharing of server resources and server space among multiple sites. These limitations are taken care of in VPS Hosting, which shall be touched upon in this section of the blog.

Dedicated Hosting is yet another type of web hosting service, which is different from Dedicated Server Hosting. Dedicated Hosting is similar to Shared Hosting in every aspect, as multiple sites are hosted on the same web server in it and every hosted site receives shared server space and shared server resources. What makes it different from Shared Hosting is that in Dedicated Hosting every hosted site gets a dedicated IP address. In short, Dedicated Hosting offers shared server space, shared server resources to every hosted site, along with a dedicated IP address. On the other hand, Dedicated Server Hosting is a totally different type of web hosting solution, wherein a single web server hosts a single website. Hence, every hosted site gets dedicated server space, dedicated server resources, a dedicated IP address and the flexibility to customize the web server when Dedicated Server Hosting is availed.

Last but not least is VPS Hosting, which derives its name from a specific type of web server that is used in it, which is known as a Virtual Private Server (VPS). In a VPS, multiple sites are hosted on a single physical web server, wherein Virtualization Technology is used to ensure that every hosted site gets the environment of a Dedicated Server that provides dedicated server space, dedicated server resources, a dedicated IP address and the flexibility to customize the web server to every hosted site. A VPS gets virtually segmented into multiple isolated, independent, private, virtual servers. Each of these virtually created servers is configured to host a site and install its own OS (Operating System) and software. Due to this, every site that is hosted on a VPS, gets to reap the same benefits that a Dedicated Server offers but at a lower price. Hence, a VPS offers the most perfect alternative to a Dedicated Server. It not only offers server customization along with the availability of dedicated server resources, dedicated server space and dedicated IP address but also enhanced site speed, augmented site security, peak site performance as well as the choice between two types of VPS.

When you opt for VPS Hosting, you can either choose a Managed VPS, wherein the VPS is managed by the service provider or opt for a Self-managed VPS, wherein the VPS is managed by the user and not by the service provider.The choice depends on whether you want to exert full control over the management of the VPS (Self-managed VPS) or you want to seek the expertise of your service provider in managing the VPS (Managed VPS) which offers you more convenience with regard to server management.

Now that you know in detail about the four types of web hosting solutions that you can opt for, in order to avail the service of web hosting, it becomes easy for you to choose among these services. Reputed providers of web hosting services usually offer web hosting plans for both, Linux OS and Windows OS. For example, you can either opt for a Linux Dedicated Hosting plan or a Windows Dedicated Hosting plan. Always consider the type of site that you are about to host, its hosting requirements and your budget while opting for any website hosting solution.


To recapitulate, web hosting is a service that renders every type of site accessible over the Internet and it can be availed as plans for either Shared Hosting or Dedicated Hosting or WordPress Hosting or VPS Hosting, depending on a site’s specific hosting requirements.

HTS Hosting, as the Top Web Hosting Company,offers a range of affordably-priced web hosting plans for Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, VPS Hosting and WordPress Hosting. These web hosting plans can be availed at discounted prices and are full of features, as well as offer high uptime, exceptionally fast page loading speed, powerful security and much more, along with expert technical support at all hours. Regardless of the type of site that you want to host, HTS Hosting has the perfect web hosting solution for you, within your budget.


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