If you are looking for your ideal web hosting plan, then one of the main features that you need to pay proper attention to, is the amount of bandwidth that your hosting plan is offering you. The reasons for it are multifarious. The aim of this blog is to provide comprehensive information on bandwidth as well as the dire consequences of not having adequate amount of bandwidth in your web hosting plan. Let us find out what bandwidth is, in web hosting.
Bandwidth in Web Hosting
While browsing
the web hosting plans of any reputed and professional website
hosting company, you might have come across the term, ‘Bandwidth’,
among the features that are mentioned in the various plans. What is bandwidth,
in the context of web hosting? But before that let us discuss briefly the
service of web hosting, as bandwidth is an important feature of every web
hosting service.
Web hosting
refers to the service provided by different web hosting companies and is meant for
making websites accessible. In this service, web servers are provided by the
web hosting service providers for hosting the content of websites. Availing
this service, which also provides the technologies that are needed for
rendering websites seamlessly available online, is essential for every website
that wants to be accessible to its site visitors. Web hosting solutions can be
for both, Linux and Windows, and are made available through different types of
web hosting services. These various types of hosting services, include Shared
Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Reseller Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Cloud Hosting
as well as delivering hosting by using Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Web
hosting companies that excel in providing a certain type of hosting service are
referred to in that context. For example, the “Best
Cloud Hosting Company”, the “Best Windows Hosting
Company”, etc.
Web Hosting is
provided through different types of web hosting plans that are priced differently
and offer various features that are needed for website hosting. Some of the
important features that are required in a hosting plan for the efficiency of any
web hosting service are high uptime, use of SSD, secure hosting service, fast
speed, sufficient bandwidth, 24*7 technical support, etc. For the purpose of
this blog, let us focus on the feature of bandwidth and elaborate on it.
Bandwidth in
website hosting, indicates the capacity with regard to data, that gets
transferred between a site, the servers and the site’s users. It defines that
connection’s capacity, which exists between a site’s user and its
MB/s (Megabytes
per Second) or GB/s (Gigabytes per Second) are the usual terms that are used to
express bandwidths in web hosting. The higher the bandwidth, the better is the
capacity to carry data. The maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in a
given period of time is determined by the size of the bandwidth. The availability of higher bandwidth in your
web hosting package ensures that more amount of data can be sent and received
simultaneously. Hence, the more the bandwidth, the more the capacity for data
to be carried.
The amount of
bandwidth that is needed to cater effectively to your specific hosting
requirements is an important factor that needs to be considered while choosing
the most appropriate web hosting package. Failure to avail the right amount of
bandwidth for your site, especially when the bandwidth is too less, results in
many site visitors’ inability to access the site. The ultimate result will be
visible as a loss in web traffic, which is undesirable for any website and
perilous for business sites. Next, let us run you through some of the
consequences of not having the appropriate amount of bandwidth for your site.
of Less Bandwidth
Congestion with
regard to web traffic, limited availability of server resources, slow loading
speed of web pages, web servers that are overloaded, along with issues for
other sites on the same server in case of Shared Hosting, are some of the
unwelcome consequences of opting for a web hosting plan that doesn’t offer
enough bandwidth for your hosting requirements. Hence, you must always consider
your web hosting requirements along with your budget while selecting your ideal
web hosting plan.
The easiest way
for finding out your bandwidth requirement entails taking into account the
number of monthly visitors that your website gets, along with the number of average
page views, and the size of your site’s pages. You need to multiply the
aforementioned three figures to arrive at your site’s specific bandwidth
It is not only
important to look for the availability of high uptime, SSD, fast speed, 24*7
technical support, etc. among the essential features in an ideal web hosting
plan but also the availability of sufficient bandwidth. Availing a web hosting
solution that offers the right amount of bandwidth, is essential for the
seamless functioning of your site.
Hosting, popularly referred to as the “Best Website Hosting Company”,
offers a wide range of web hosting solutions for all types of web hosting
services, which are designed to cater effectively to different bandwidth
requirements of different clients. All the web hosting solutions of HTS Hosting
are in high demand globally due to the exceptional quality of service offered,
along with high uptime, seamless performance, fast speed and many more features
at the most affordable prices.
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