Redundancy, in general, refers to a system’s critical functions’ or components’ duplication, usually as a backup, with an aim to enhance the system’s reliability or for the improvement of the performance of the system. There are four main forms of redundancy, which include hardware, software, time and information. Usually it is hardware redundancy that is referred to, in the context of ensuring redundancy for an infrastructure project. When a duplicate component or device is added in a system, for it to step in during the failure of the primary component or device, then it is understood as hardware redundancy. It is aimed at ensuring that there is no downtime. Now, why is the term “redundancy” used, if the aim is to attain zero downtime? That is because when all the functions or components of a system are working properly, the duplicate component has no role to play and does nothing, which renders it redundant.
Let us understand the concept of redundancy with the example of a hard drive. Usually, hard drives are known to be redundancy’s most common form. In the simplest set up, a primary drive will be regularly copied to a backup drive. In the event that the primary drive fails, the secondary drive is used. In this situation, the data that is lost includes such data that have been produced post the time the files were copied.
and Servers
In the context of servers, uptime is
extremely important. For this reason server redundancy plays a vital role in
this matter. Before proceeding any further, let us understand what a server is,
for the benefit of the uninitiated.
A server can either be any hardware
device or software, which accepts and responds to the requests of clients by fulfilling
those requests. These requests are made over a network. Clients are the devices
that generate the requests, and subsequently receive a server’s responses. A
server is meant to provide functionality, which is known as service, to its
various clients (programs or devices) by using the client-server model. There
are many types of servers, such as database servers, file servers, mail
servers, print servers, application servers, game servers, proxy servers, web
servers etc. Let us take the example of a web server, and understand the role
that a server plays, and let us also touch upon the importance of server
redundancy in the context of web servers.
A web server is a type of a server,
which is used by web hosting companies for the purpose of providing the service
of web hosting. It functions by accepting and then fulfilling the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) messages as requests of browsers or mobile
applications (clients) for websites’ content, such as videos, images, HTML
pages etc.
A web server stores the files of
different types of websites, and delivers those files over the Internet, after
receiving requests. When the files are delivered to the devices of the users,
such as mobile phones, laptops etc. then websites become accessible. Web
hosting companies not only provide space on their web servers but also all the
technologies and services that make it possible for websites to remain up and
running constantly. Terms such as the “Best Website
Hosting Company”, the “Best Cloud
Hosting Company”, the “Best Windows Hosting
Company” etc. are used for the most well-known web hosting service
providers. Every web hosting company aims at providing high uptime as their
customers’ websites need to be up and running seamlessly to cater to their
visitors’ requirements. Since redundancy aims at attaining zero downtime, it
becomes very crucial for web servers. If anything goes wrong with the primary
web server or it gets a huge volume of traffic, the redundant server takes over,
and ensures the continuity of the service of web hosting.
Redundancy Explained
The term “server redundancy” is used to refer
to the amount as well as the intensity of backup or servers that are redundant
in any computing environment. It indicates a computing infrastructure’s
capability with regard to making available additional servers. These additional
servers can be deployed on runtime for ensuring backup as well as for load
balancing. These can also be used when a primary server needs to be halted
temporarily for the purpose of carrying out maintenance on it. Server
redundancy always ensures that there is a backup server ready and waiting to
chip in, if the primary server fails to provide service.
The implementation of server redundancy
happens in an enterprise IT infrastructure, as server availability is extremely
important in this scenario. A server replica of the primary server is built in
order to attain server redundancy. Thus, in order for server redundancy to
work, there must be at least two servers, both of which need to contain
identical functions and data. One of these is the primary server, which
functions live and remains online. The other one is this server’s replica,
which is known as the redundant server. This server replica is equipped with
the same applications, computing power, storage, operational parameters, etc.
as the primary server, which has been replicated.
A redundant server stays offline, and is not
used as a live server. But it is always ready to act when the need arises, and
can start functioning with Internet/network connectivity and power supply. The
redundant server remains inactive as long as there is signal from the primary
server, and it is functioning properly. Once that signal changes, the redundant
server takes over instantaneously and automatically unless the option of manual
switch has been opted for. This option generates an automated alert when
anything goes wrong with a primary server, and subsequently a swap to the
redundant server could be authorized. When the primary server resumes proper
functioning, traffic gets routed to it once again. In this way, server redundancy
ensures that the users of the primary servers experience no difference in the
quality of the service or any interruption in it.
Types of
Redundant Servers
There can be several forms of redundant
servers, such as replicated servers or redundant domain, front end, and
validation servers or disaster recovery servers, etc. Let us elaborate on each
of these.
- Replicated servers- These could be paired with production servers. The changes made to the latter are replicated to the former with the aid of hardware-based or software-based tools. These replicated servers can be used when the production servers fail.
- Redundant domain, front end, and validation servers- These are used for the purpose of load balancing, so that users never lose access to a service.
- Disaster recovery servers- These ensure that backup files get restored quickly, and these restart processing whenever there is the need for it.
Server redundancy aids in ensuring that
whenever a primary server experiences downtime, excessive traffic or failure, a
redundant server can be implemented and used to replace the primary server or
to aid its capabilities by sharing its traffic load. Server redundancy is an efficient
solution for maintaining uptime along with being an effective disaster recovery
option. Its only downside is that it increases the overall cost. Moreover,
these additional servers need to be maintained, and one needs to take into
account the cooling as well as the space related requirements.
The goal of server redundancy is to deliver a
reliable solution for the servers’ unhindered continuity of service, which is
extremely essential for the businesses that rely on these servers. Hence,
server redundancy is of paramount importance.
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