Monday, April 5, 2021

Optimize VPS for website

 VPS (virtual private server) uses virtualization technology that provide dedicated resources to end-users. Different VPS can be installed in single dedicated server. VPS generally resides in parent server. Dedicated VPS hosting environment is created on dedicated server or the cluster of servers. VPS replicates many of properties of dedicated server. VPS acts like dedicated server but in reality it acts like a software emulating dedicated hardware. There are many hosting providers such as - HTS Hosting, best hosting company in India provides Windows shared hosting, Linux dedicated hosting, VPS hosting and other hosting plans.

Benefits of VPS (virtual private server): -

  • Increase Performance – VPS increases performance unlike shared hosting plans where hundreds of users shares same server. Sometimes websites that are running on shared hosting can cause functionality problems. For example- websites that are receiving high amount of web traffic can slow down other websites on the server. By using VPS, functioning of your website will never regulated by other websites.
  • Great Control – Great control offers root access. Without root access you have to only rely on software packages that are provided by hosting provider. If website owners is looking to use specific software that is not supported and provided by hosting provider. This could cause issues and may prevent website owners to work independently. But with VPS, you will get root access and you can implement necessary software changes within the server.
  • Low Cost – Many companies prefer to use VPS rather than choosing dedicated server. Dedicated server has higher cost comparing VPS. Many hosting providers has price of VPS more than price of shared hosting.
  • Scalability – If you are looking to grow your business and you expect high amount of web traffic. And you require server to accommodate this. For good scalability VPS is much lower in cost and gives resources same as dedicated server. Unlike Dedicated server which is higher in cost.

VPS Optimization: -

Start looking closely at apache configuration. Poor configuration can leads to unnecessary use of server’s resources and poor configuration can impact other processes. You can optimize performance of VPS for website. You can improve VPS by adjusting MaxClients, KeepAlive, StartServers and MaxRequestChild.

  • MaxClients – Directive limits the no. of concurrent requests that are served. Any request attempts above this limit will be queued. Recommend limit for MaxClients is 150.
  • KeepAlive – KeepAlive should always be “on” unless server is receiving concurrent requests from large number of IPs constantly. Load balancer and high volume should always turned off to boost connection throughput. KeepAlivetimeout should set its value from lowered to 5.
  • StartServers – Here directive sets the no. of child server processes created on start-up. StartServers value should be set to 5.
  • MaxRequestsPerChild – Directive limits the no. of requests that every single child server processor handles. Whenever no. of requests reaches to specified values. Child process will die. Recommended value limit is 300.
  • Cache your web content – Web caching is another way that helps in improvement of VPS. Continuously requesting static files makes slow and heavy process. But caching RAM can improve your speed and reduce latency through temperature storage. Caching software includes Varnish, a powerful cache that helps in improvement of dynamic websites. And Memcached helps in caching system that are heavily relies on databases.
  • Optimize Your Website Content – There are different ways to optimize content to deliver more effectively. You can find different tools on the internet. That analyses website and finds issues and offers suggestions to improve your website. For example – Google’s PageSpeed and Both of the tools will provide accurate speed and detailed performance measures. These tools show results in the range of performance and provides detailed feedback on improvement of back-end and front-end configuration.

Conclusion: -

Optimizing VPS can really help to create revenue and profit through your website. Though VPS has many benefits and can be used in various activities.


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