Monday, May 31, 2021

Clearing Your DNS Cache

Are you looking for comprehensive information regarding those methods that can help you clear your DNS (Domain Name System) cache, so that you can remove old and/or inaccurate DNS information, which might be causing 404 errors? Then get ready to know about the various methods that will aid you in attaining your goal.

The locations (IP addresses) of web servers, which contain those web pages that have been viewed recently by you, are stored in your DNS cache. There can be situations where you are unable to access a particular website because the location (IP address) of the web server had changed prior to the entry being updated in your DNS cache. When you come across too many HTML 404 error codes, it is recommended and usually needed that you clear your DNS cache. Once you have cleared your DNS cache, your computer will query new DNS information’s nameservers.

Before we proceed further, let us touch upon what DNS cache and web servers are.

Web Servers

Servers can be of many types. Web servers are one of the types of servers, and are used in web hosting service for storing and processing the files of websites in order to render sites accessible over the Internet. The owners of websites are the clients of the web hosting companies that provide the service of web hosting. Web hosting can be either shared hosting or VPS or dedicated hosting or Cloud hosting or reseller hosting or WordPress hosting. Usually, certain terms are used to refer to the most well-known web hosting service providers. These terms are the “Best Cloud Hosting Company”, the “Best Website Hosting Company”, the “Best Windows Hosting Company”, etc.

A web server’s main function is to accept and fulfil the requests, in the form of Http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) messages, of clients, such as browsers or mobile applications. These requests are for the content of websites, such as HTML pages, images, videos, etc.

Once a web server receives a request for a certain web content, it delivers the stored files for that web content over the Internet to the client (browser or mobile application) that had requested for it. This is the role that web servers play in web hosting.

DNS Cache

The temporary storage of information with regard to the previous DNS lookups on a web browser or the OS (Operating System) of a machine, is referred to as DNS cache. Maintaining a local copy of a DNS lookup enables one’s browser or OS to retrieve it quickly. This ensures that the URL of a website can be resolved to its corresponding IP efficiently. DNS caching doesn’t take place only at the browser and OS level. There are various steps in a DNS lookup. In a new DNS lookup, the lookup passes through the following: the resolver, the root server, and the TLD (Top-level Domain) server. Information is gathered and cached at each of these steps, so that it can be used later. 

How to Check Your DNS Cache

It is possible for you to check your DNS cache. You can check the logs of your operating system to find out the DNS records that are cached locally. The processes related to it vary and depend on the operating system that is being used. Let us find out how you can check your DNS cache on Windows and Mac. 

Windows- It is not at all difficult to view your DNS cache entries in Windows. You need to open your command prompt, and subsequently enter the below-mentioned command.

ipconfig /displaydns

Mac- For Mac, you need to open the Console app, then you have to select your device from the left side, and enter the below-mentioned command into the search bar.


Next, you need to open your command line, and then enter the following command:

sudo killall -INFO mDNSResponder

Post this, you should be able to return to your Console app, and view the list of cached DNS records. Moreover, you can also check the entries for your DNS cache on certain browsers. Let us take the example of Chrome. For Chrome, you need to enter the following command into your address bar: chrome://net-internals/#dns

This will return the current list of cached DNS records for your browser.

Ways to Clear Your DNS Cache

You need to follow the below-mentioned methods to remove DNS information that is old and not accurate. We will describe the methods individually for Windows and MacOS versions.

Windows 8

For Windows 8, you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Press Win+X on your keyboard. This will open the WinX Menu.
  • Right-click Command Prompt.
  • Select Run as Administrator .
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

          ipconfig /flushdns

  • If the command is successful, the following message is returned by the system- Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Windows 7

For Windows 7, you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Start.
  • Enter cmd in the Start menu search text box.
  • Right-click Command Prompt.
  • Select Run as Administrator.
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

          ipconfig /flushdns

  • If the command is successful, the following message is returned by the system- Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Windows XP, 2000, or Vista

For Windows XP, 2000, or Vista,  you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Start.
  • In the Start menu, click Run....
  • Enter run in the Search bar, if you don’t see the Run command in Vista.
  • The following command needs to be run in the text box, Run.

          ipconfig /flushdns

  • If the command is successful, the following message is returned by the system- Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

MacOS 10.10.4 and above

For MacOS X version 10.10.4 and above, you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Applications.
  • Click Utilities.
  • Click Terminal.
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

          sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

  • The system does not return any output for a successful command.

An important point that needs to be mentioned here is that you must know the administrator account password of the computer in order to be able to run this command.

MacOS 10.10.1, 10.10.2, and 10.10.3

For MacOS X version 10.10 through 10.10.3,  you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Applications.
  • Click Utilities.
  • Click Terminal.
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

          sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache

  • The system does not return any output for a successful command.

You need to know the administrator account password of the computer to run this command.

MacOS 10.5 and 10.6

For MacOS X version 10.5 or 10.6, you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Applications.
  • Click Utilities.
  • Double-click Terminal.
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

          sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

  • The system does not return any output for a successful command.

You need to know the administrator account password of the computer to run this command.

MacOS 10.7, 10 8, and 10.9

For MacOS X version 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9, you need to carry out the following steps to clear your DNS cache-

  • Click Applications.
  • Click Utilities.
  • Double-click Terminal.
  • Run the below-mentioned command.

         sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

  • The system does not return any output for a successful command.

You need to know the administrator account password of the computer to run this command.

Now you know about the various methods that will help you clear your DNS cache easily for Windows as well as for MacOS.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

Resetting a cPanel Account Password

Do you want to reset the password for your cPanel account? It’s definitely possible. cPanel & WHM lets you reset the password for your cPanel account. You need to carry out the password reset process for resetting your cPanel account’s password. In it, a security code is sent to the contact email address in the Contact Information interface of cPanel. cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Contact Information.

Before describing the process for resetting a cPanel account password, let us know what a cPanel is, for the convenience of the readers.


The term “cPanel” refers to a control panel software that has been developed for web hosting by cPanel LLC. It simplifies the process of web hosting for users, as it is equipped with an intuitive and easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) and automation tools.

cPanel is used to manage a single web hosting account, and it uses a standard web browser for enabling administration. Not only GUI but also command line and API-based access is there in cPanel. Hence, developers, web hosting companies, and third party software vendors are able to automate processes for standard system administration. Front-ends are provided by cPanel to its clients for various common operations. These include crontab tasks, management of PGP keys, mailing lists, mail and FTP accounts, etc. Moreover, there are many add-ons that can be availed by paying some additional fees. A cPanel user can access these add-ons after the server administrator enables these.

cPanel, as an efficient control panel, lets a user perform numerous tasks related to website and hosting management. It is the leading control panel for web hosting that is available these days. It has been designed to function on Linux OS (Operating System) but can be used for managing the hosting requirements of Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, etc. cPanel offers a suite of tools and functions that is unmatched. Let us have a look at some of its main features, which are mentioned below, in no particular order.

  • Email - The email tools of cPanel aid in managing one’s emails directly from within the control panel. These tools let a user add as well as remove email accounts, manage spam filters as well as global filters, and set up email forwarding along with auto-responders and mailing lists. Through these tools emails are encrypted for security. It makes it possible to read and compose mails from any place via Webmail.
  • FTP Manager – It manages FTP access to the server directories and files. It sets up FTP accounts, sets up anonymous FTP access and enables FTP session control.
  • File Manager – The File Manager enables the management of files directly from an interface in the cPanel.
  • Backup – cPanel comes with built-in backup functionality. This lets a user create a backup of his/her website easily and quickly, subsequently download it, and store it.
  • Domains – A user can have full control over his/her domains through cPanel. It lets a user manage his/her domains as well as DNS settings, publish domains, add new domains and subdomains, set up domain aliases and redirects.
  • Raw Access Log – cPanel enables one to download the raw access logs for any domain in one’s account. This information proves to be useful in tracking user movements.
  • Raw Log Manager – The way in which raw logs can be stored on a user’s hosting account can be chosen through the Raw Log Manager.
  • Error Log – The Error Log of cPanel aids a user in getting to the bottom of 404 errors. All the 404 errors are displayed by this log. Hence, a user can discover easily those files that are missing from his/her website, and replace them quickly or remove the broken links.
  • 2FA - 2FA stands for Two Factor Authentication. cPanel provides a 2FA tool. This ensures that none of the unauthorised users or brute force hackers can gain access to one’s control panel. In it, an additional method of verification is required besides the username and password, for anyone logging into one’s cPanel account.
  • MySQL Databases – The tool for MySQL Databases lets a user manage his/her databases as well as create new ones, and modify the existing ones. It is also used to create, manage and remove database users.

These are some of the main tools that are organized into easily navigable sections on cPanel.

cPanel is provided in web hosting, which is a service offered by web hosting companies. Through this professional and paid service, one can avail server space for storing the files of one’s website, along with the technologies and services that are needed to ensure website accessibility and to keep websites up and running uninterruptedly.

Web hosting service can be of various types, such as VPS, dedicated, shared, cloud, reseller, WordPress, etc. These are offered through different types of plans, all of which aim at ensuring high availability and fast page loading, along with data security, and the best quality of service. The popularity of any web hosting service provider depends on the quality of service provided by the company, and usually terms such as theBest Website Hosting Company” or the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or the “Top Cloud Hosting Company”, etc. are used to refer to the top-tier service providers.

How to Reset a cPanel Account Password

You need to perform certain steps sequentially for resetting the account password of your cPanel. Before we proceed to describe the steps, it needs to be mentioned that significant changes have been made to the Reset Password  feature’s behavior in the version 56 of cPanel & WHM. You need to click the tab that corresponds with your version of cPanel & WHM.

The following steps need to be carried out for resetting a cPanel account’s password.

  • In it, your domain name is represented by “”.
  • Click Reset Password.
  • You need to enter your cPanel username in the text box, Username.
  • Click Reset Password.
  • Now you have to enter your contact email address in the text box, Contact Email Address.
  • Click Send Security Code. Here, it needs to be mentioned that if for any reason you need to resend the security code, then you should click Send Security Code Again. Moreover, you need to use the same browser session, which was used for initiating the request for password reset. You must also remember that if you had not specified a contact email address, then a fake contact email address will be displayed by the system when you try to reset the password.
  • Next you need to enter the security code that you have received. This has to be entered in the text box, Security Code.
  • Click Submit.
  • You should enter your password in the text box, New Password, and confirm it.
  • Click Set Password.
  • Click Log In to log in to your account.

Now you have successfully reset the password for your cPanel account.



Friday, May 28, 2021

Copying Addon Domains to a New Account

It becomes very easy to copy Addon Domains to a new account, when one has all the accurate information. That’s why, the detailed information provided here will prove to be very useful. But before we elaborate on the steps to attain this objective, there are certain important points to mention. The information provided here is valid only for cPanel & WHM version 54, and those earlier to it. For cPanel & WHM version 56 and the later versions, one should use Convert Addon Domain to Account interface in WHM. Since this process involves moving files, this action could be carried out only by the root user or by those resellers that have root-level privileges.

Once you have created an addon domain, it becomes possible for you to create a totally new account from that addon domain. For this purpose you need to copy the relevant information from the addon domain, and subsequently add it to the account that has been newly-created. The aim of this tutorial is to provide accurate information on how to copy addon domains to a new account.

Before elaborating on the steps that are involved in this process, the example values that have been used, need to be described.

  • Username – The user of the account is represented by it
  • Newusername – The user of the new account is represented by it
  • Addonname – The name of the addon domain is represented by it
  • Addondirectory – The directory for the addon domain is represented by it

Process of Copying Addon Domains to a New Account

The following steps need to be followed sequentially to ensure that addon domains get copied to a new account successfully.

1.   Creation of a Backup File

The first step involves carrying out a full backup of that account, which contains the addon domain. You need to use the Backups interface of cPanel for this purpose or you can run the following script, /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/pkgacct

2.     Creation of a New Account

Now you need to create a new account in the Create a New Account interface of WHM. This new account has to be created with a placeholder name.

WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Create a New Account

It needs to be mentioned here that you should not use the name of the addon domain as the name of the new account.

3.     Extracting the Backup File

The below-mentioned steps need to be carried out for extracting the backup file.

  • You need to run the two commands that are being mentioned below, for creating the /home/backup-username directory. Then you need to move the backup files into it.

mkdir /home/backup-username

mv cpmove-username.tar.gz /home/backup-username/

  • Next you have to run the following commands in order to navigate to the /home/backup-username directory, and then uncompress the backup.

tar -xzf cpmove-username.tar.gz

cp /home/backup-username

The backup files’s contents are extracted to either the username directories or to the cpmove-username by these commands.

  • Now you need to run the following command for adding the homedir/public_html/addondirectory/ subdirectory to the /home/backup-username/public_html/ directory:

cp -R homedir/public_html/addondirectory/* /home/newusername/public_html/

4.     Importing the Databases

The following steps need to be performed in order to import the databases.

  • You must recreate the databases of the addon domain, and create the database users in MySQL Databases interface of cPanel. Here it needs to be mentioned that you must prepend newusername to the databases while creating them.
  • Once you have created the databases and the database users, you need to import the database backups of each domain. For this purpose you need to run the below-mentioned command for each backup.

mysql newaccount_dbname < /home/backup-username/username/mysql/username_dbname.sql

5.     Updating Cron Job Paths

You have to carry out the below-mentioned steps for updating the new account’s cron paths.

  • Open the /home/backup-username/username/cron/username file, and then check for the addon domain’s cron jobs.
  • Next you need to add the paths with regard to the addon domain’s cron jobs to the new account in the Cron Jobs interface in cPanel. You need to ensure that the paths for the cron jobs match the new account’s paths to the same cron jobs files
  • 6.     Changing File Ownership

You have to use the chown command for granting ownership of the copied public_html files to the user of the newusername.

Find /home/newusername/public_html -uid 0 -exec chown newusername:newusername {} +

 7.   Ascertaining That the Account Functions

Once you have changed the ownership of the files, you must ascertain whether the account is functioning properly. You need to point the hosts file of your OS (Operating System) to the temporary domain placeholder for this purpose.

 8.     Removing the Addon Domain

You should remove the addon domain of the old account in the Addon Domains interface in cPanel.

9. Changing the Placeholder Domain’s Name

Next you need to change the name of the placeholder domain. To do this, you should navigate to Modify an Account interface of WHM. Then you should change the main domain name of the new account to the addon domain’s name.

10.   Copying Email Account Information

Now you should change the domain name, and copy the emails, filters, forwarders, and autoresponders of the old account to the new account. You need to open the  /home/backup-username/username directory for this purpose, and then run the below-mentioned commands.

  • cp va/addonname /etc/valiases/
  • cp vf/addonname /etc/vfilters/
  • cp homedir/.autorespond/*addonname* /home/newusername/.autorespond/
  • cp -R homedir/etc/addonname /home/newusername/etc/
  • cp -R homedir/mail/addonname /home/newusername/mail/

When you have finished copying the emails, filters, forwarders, and autoresponders; you need to change the ownership of those files to the new user. You need to run the following commands for this purpose

  • chown newusername:mail /etc/valiases/addonname
  • chown newusername:mail /etc/vfilters/addonname
  • chown newusername:newusername /home/newusername/.autorespond/*addonname*
  • find /home/newusername/etc -uid 0 -exec chown newusername:mail {} +
  • find /home/newusername/mail -uid 0 -exec chown newusername:mail {} +

Here it needs to be mentioned that you shouldn’t forget to append asterisks (*) on either side of addonname.

Once you have changed the ownership of the files, ensure that you are able to log in to the Webmail account of the user. You should navigate to the /home/newusername/etc/addonname directory, and then find the users and email passwords for authentication to Webmail, POP3, and IMAP.

This is how addon domains are copied to a new account, and now you have all the information that is needed for this process to be successfully carried out.

In the context of domains, if you are looking for the most professional, efficient and reliable service for registering domains, HTS Hosting is an ideal choice for you. Its top-tier quality of service has established it as the most preferred service provider with regard to registering domains, as well as for web hosting. HTS Hosting is frequently referred to as the “Best Website Hosting Company” and as the “Best Cloud Hosting Company” by our clients from various parts of the world, who vouch for our outstanding quality of service at the most affordable prices.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Resetting a cPanel Subaccount Password

For the convenience of everyone who is looking for comprehensive information on how to reset a cPanel Subaccount password, detailed information has been put together here. But before we elaborate on it, let us touch upon cPanel for the benefit of the uninitiated reader.

What is cPanel?

cPanel, which has been developed by the cPanel LLC., is a control panel software for web hosting. GUI (Graphical User Interface) and automation tools are present in it for simplifying the web hosting process for the user. A standard web browser is used to enable administration in it. cPanel is capable of managing a single web hosting account, whereas cPanel & WHM enables an entire server’s administration. Apart from GUI, cPanel has command line as well as API-based access. This lets web hosting companies, developers, and third party software vendors, automate processes that have to do with standard system administration.

cPanel provides front-ends to its clients for numerous common operations, which include but are not limited to, crontab tasks, PGP keys’ management, mailing lists, mail and FTP accounts, etc. One can avail many add-ons by paying a certain amount of additional fee for some of these add-ons. The server administrator needs to enable these add-ons, so that the cPanel user can access these.

Web Hosting

As already mentioned, cPanel is a control panel for web hosting. Now what is web hosting? It is the service provided by web hosting companies that is meant for rendering websites accessible, and for keeping them up and running properly without any hindrance. In web hosting server space is provided for storing the files of various websites. This service also makes available the technology that is involved in the process of enabling websites to be accessible over the Internet. Web hosting is primarily either shared or dedicated or VPS or reseller or WordPress or cloud. Various plans are provided by the professional web hosting companies to cater to the different requirements of websites’ owners, who use the service of web hosting. One might have come across terms, such as the “Best Linux Shared Hosting Company” or the “Best Windows Dedicated Hosting Company” or the “Top Cloud Hosting Company” etc. These terms refer to the most preferred web hosting companies, such as HTS Hosting, that offer top-notch services globally.

Now that you know about web hosting and cPanel, let us proceed to providing information on how to reset a cPanel Subaccount password.

Important Reminder

You are recommended to take into account the below-mentioned factors before carrying out the process.

  • cPanel & WHM version 56 or the later versions are required by the Reset Password feature for subaccounts.
  • You need to enable the Reset Password for Subaccounts option for using this feature. This option is in the System section of the Tweak Settings interface in WHM. You should contact your hosting service provider and seek assistance, if you are unable to access the WHM interface.
  • You have to provide a valid email address for using this feature. You need to enter an email address in the text box, Contact Email Address, in the User Manager interface of cPanel. You should contact your hosting service provider if you have forgotten the password, or did not set the Contact Email Address setting, or if you can’t log in to the cPanel interface.
  • If a contact email address is not specified by you, a fake email address is displayed by the system at the time when you attempt to reset your password. This aids in protecting users’ credentials on your account. This email address will appear as a hint in the text box, Contact Email Address, on the cPanel Login interface. You need to contact your hosting service provider and seek assistance, if you want to reset your password and you didn’t set your contact email address.

Resetting the Subaccount Password

cPanel & WHM enables you to reset your Subaccount password. A security code is sent during the password reset process, to the contact email address in the User Manager interface in cPanel. You need to carry out the below-mentioned steps in order to reset your Subaccount password.

  • Navigate in your browser to the location that is mentioned below.

  • In the above-mentioned link, your domain name is represented by
  • Click Reset Password.
  • In the text box, Username, enter your Subaccount username.
  • Click Reset Password.
  • Enter your contact email address in the text box, Contact Email Address.
  • Click Send Security Code.
  • Click Send Security Code Again, if you need to resend the security code. It needs to be mentioned here that you must use the same browser session that you used for initiating the request for password reset.
  • Enter the security code received by you in the text box, Security Code.
  • Click Submit.
  •  Enter your password in the text box, New Password, and confirm your password.
  •  Click Set Password.

Now the process of Resetting a cPanel Subaccount Password comes to a successful conclusion.


Remote Restoration

The content provided here aims to disseminate information about remote restoration. For this purpose you need to enable account backups as well as Retain Backups in the Default Backup Directory setting in the Backup Configuration interface in WHM.

WHM >> Home >> Backup >> Backup Configuration

If the Retain Backups in the Default Backup Directory setting has been disabled, a remote backup could be restored through the Restore a Full Backup cpmove File interface.

WHM >> Home >> Backup >> Restore a Full Backup/cpmove File

The Backup Configuration interface in WHM enables one to store backup files in those locations that have been configured with the Additional Destinations options. Some of the destinations that are included are mentioned below.

  • S3 Compatible
  • SFTP
  • FTP
  • WebDAV
  • Local directory
  • Custom locations

If you want to restore backups from these locations, then you need to transfer the backup file to their servers, prior to the backups being restored by them.

Transferring a Backup File

It is important to mention here that you need to manually transfer the backup files. These files need to be manually transferred from the remote location to one’s server. Once you have transferred the backup files to your server, the Backup Restoration feature of WHM carries out the restoration process.

The following steps need to be carried out for transferring a backup file to your server from a remote location.

  • You should use your preferred tool for accessing the additional destination that had been created
  •  by you with the aid of the Additional Destinations options in the Backup Configuration interface in WHM.

WHM >> Home >> Backup >> Backup Configuration

Let us share an example. An FTP client could be used for accessing an FTP destination.

  • You need to locate your desired backup files.
  • Transfer these files to your local computer.
  • The backup files need to be placed in your server’s appropriate backup directory.

It needs to be mentioned here that the backup directories, which are on your server, will resemble the BACKUPDIR/yyyy-mm-dd/accounts format. In it, the terms that have been mentioned stand for the following –

  • BACKUPDIR is the variable from the /var/cpanel/backups/config file.
  • yyyy is the four-digit year, mm is the month, and dd is the day of the month.

Let us explain it with the help of an example for a server that stores backups in the /home/backup directory. In this example, the weekly backup of the user on January 10, 2020 will exist in the /home/backup/weekly/2020-01-10/accounts/example.tar.gz file.

The backup files will be displayed under the appropriate account and date, by the Backup Restoration interface of WHM.

WHM >> Home >> Backup >> Backup Restoration

Now that you have all the required information, you can easily carry out remote restoration.


The Process to Run Backups on Locally-Mounted Remote Filesystems

 The information in this blog will come in handy when one wants to, or needs to, run backups on remote filesystems that are locally-mounted.

Running regular backups is extremely essential. Maintaining regular backups aid in many ways, such as letting one have quick access to files, enabling data recovery, and providing protection against disruptions and data loss caused by power outages, hardware or software failures, natural disasters, cyber attacks and other malicious online activities.

Data backup services are offered by many web hosting companies, including HTS Hosting, and it proves to be immensely beneficial as a proactive measure for ensuing the safety and availability at all times of one’s valuable data. Data backup service is an additional service offered by web hosting service providers, as their main service involves providing professional web hosting to their clients. Web hosting is the process through which websites are made accessible over the Internet. It is of many types, such as dedicated hosting, VPS, shared hosting, reseller hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, etc. In each of these types of web hosting services, server space is provided to the owners of websites. The files of websites are stored on these servers and are delivered from there, over the Internet, to the Internet connected devices of those users who are looking for those sites. The “Best Cloud Hosting Company”, the “Best Website Hosting Company”, the “Best Windows Hosting Company”, etc. are some of the terms that are used for the most efficient and reliable service providers of web hosting. Any reliable web hosting company ensures that it delivers high uptime, speedy page loads and takes proper security measures with regard to its clients’ data. In this context, data backup service is one of the ways through which data loss can be averted.

Running Backups on Locally-Mounted Remote Filesystems

A partition needs to be placed in the /etc/fstab file for mounting or unmounting the partition. A list of mountable file systems along with their configuration options are contained in this file. Only those partitions are mounted or unmounted by the backup utility that appear in the /etc/fstab file. Before proceeding further, it needs to be mentioned that it is strongly recommended that you don’t carry out backups to remote filesystems. Some examples are NFS, smbfs, CIFS or the other types of network drive systems. Backups can be stored directly to a remote filesystem but this configuration isn’t supported by cPanel & WHM. It is highly recommended that you take the help of a qualified system administrator for managing this custom backup path in order to avert the potential risks. We, as the provider of this information/content, shall not be held responsible for any data loss that might happen while attempting to perform the steps/process mentioned here. The entire responsibility is of the person or group that will be carrying out this process.

Configuring the Filesystem

If a mounted filesystem is used by you for storing backups, then it is recommended to mount the system with the nonexec option. To get this done, you need to open the /etc/fstab file with the aid of a text editor. Subsequently, you need to edit its entry to resemble the one mentioned in the below-mentioned example.

/dev/sda5 /backup ext3 defaults,noexec 0 0

The following configuration options have been described in the above-mentioned example-

  • Device - /dev/sda5
  • Default mount point - /backup
  • File system type - ext3
  • Mount options - defaults,noexec
  • Dump options - 0
  • fsck order – 0

Remounting a Backup Disk

You need to run the below-mentioned command for remounting a backup disk when the system reboots.

mount -o remount,noexec /backup


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