Thursday, December 31, 2020

Which is the Best Dedicated Server Host in India?

 A dedicated server host is a web hosting company that offers the option of dedicated server hosting as one of its web hosting plans. In dedicated hosting the client leases exclusively an entire server from the web host. This server is not shared with anyone else. Hence, it gives clients greater control to optimize their unique requirements. It enhances performance and security as the server is dedicated to a single client’s use. It provides the client the flexibility of customizing the server to the client’s unique needs. The web host’s job is to provide this service as well as the technical support needed by the client.

When trying to compare and decide the best dedicated server host one must compare the features offered, uptime, quality of the hosting provider’s network, pricing, disk space and customer support services of various web hosts to reach the final conclusion.

Apart from this, the right web host guides the client throughout the entire process. Their technical specialists address your queries to help you make the right choice for your website’s hosting needs. They have a dedicated 24*7 customer support team to resolve any issues in the shortest possible time. They have a customer base that is expanding continuously and the clients vouch for the reliability and the outstanding quality of the web hosting service provided.

When the topic is about the best dedicated server host in India, HTS hosting’s web services that include dedicated server hosting as well, needs to be mentioned. Their dedicated server host has all the essential features that are needed to be the best in the industry. HTS hosting provides the most reliable web hosting service with their efficient dedicated servers that ensure high performance as well as enhanced security at affordable price with 24*7 customer care support.


Geo-Blocking: Restricting Internet Usage

In the words of the renowned software developer and philanthropist, Bill Gates, “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” It cannot be denied that the Internet has become a vital component of global connectivity these days. Starting from our personal lives to our professional lives, Internet has permeated our lives to an extent where it is almost impossible to imagine a world devoid of it, even for the shortest time span. For the purpose of accessing information or for professional and business reasons as well as for the fulfillment of our entertainment and social needs, we visit a plethora of websites every day. Each of these websites is hosted on the web server of some web hosting company which provides it server space, necessary technologies and services. Often these companies are referred to as the “Best Website Hosting Company” or as the “Best Cloud Hosting Company” or even as the “Best Windows Hosting Company in India” owing to the exceptional quality of service offered by these companies. These companies which are also called web hosts offer various hosting packages to cater to different hosting requirements.

One of the main purposes that the Internet serves is to keep us connected on a global scale. This is hindered by geo-blocking. Geo-blocking ensures that the users of a certain physical location have limited access to the Internet. As the term itself suggests, it blocks the access to certain websites and content based on the user’s location. Usually this practice is a direct result of a country’s government’s decision. Moreover, websites and content providers along with intellectual proprietors implement it. In this case it is done with regard to copyright restrictions. Often businesses and telecommunications companies make use of geo-blocking. This enables businesses to create content that is accessible to its targeted users.

With the aid of technology a user’s location can be determined for the implementation of the appropriate restricting protocol. This entails identifying the user’s location from the I.P. address, checking profile information along with measuring ping. In the context of websites, geo-blocking blocks websites from being accessed by users who are from a specified location. Geo-blocking provides the necessary control over the viewership of the online content.

Let us gain some information on how geo-blocking works. Every device that is connected to the Internet has an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is a unique numerical identifier. Each time that the Internet connected device makes a request to a server for content, its IP address is forwarded along with that request. This enables the server to know where to send the requested content. An IP address can easily give away a computer’s geographical location and that too with reasonable accuracy. There are databases that map IP addresses to countries. These databases are used to create this type of a block list. Geo-blocking prevents people from accessing global markets and hinders the freedom of communication. It also acts as a means of government censorship.

Restricting online access based on a user’s geography by implementing geo-blocking isn’t a foolproof method for achieving this aim. As with every form of restriction, evading a geo-block isn’t impossible for those who are determined to not let it hinder their freedom regarding their use of the Internet. Dodging it can often prove to be expensive and/or require technical knowledge that is not commonplace.  Additionally, it can make users vulnerable to getting their online activities tracked. A VPN is often used to circumvent geo-blocking as it enables the user to appear to be using the Internet from another location than his actual physical location. This is made possible through the aid of VPN, a seach time the user runs a VPN client and connects to a VPN server, the connection request is encrypted before it is sent to the server. Next, it is decrypted by the server. Then it is forwarded to the Internet. The requested data is encrypted at the time when the server receives it. After that it’s sent back to the user’s device. In the final stage, the received data is decrypted by the VPN client for it to be viewed and comprehended. VPN encryption entails encryption keys, encryption algorithms, VPN encryption ciphers, VPN encryption protocols, handshake encryption, HMAC authentication, Perfect Forward Secrecy. Through VPN encryption geo-blocking can be evaded. It is the most commonly used way to circumvent geo-blocking and go about one’s usual usage of the Internet without letting geo-blocking hamper one’s freedom related to access to the Internet.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

VPN Encryption’s Benefits

 The cyberspace is rife with cyber threats which make vulnerable systems and networks their prime targets, taking advantage of their weak security measures and exploiting these systems’ users’ privacy. Every person that browses the web requires and expects online security and privacy. To digress, every website is hosted on the leased web server of a web hosting company. These companies are often referred to as the Best Website Hosting in India” or as the “Best Windows Hosting Company in India” or as the “Best Cloud Hosting Companywhen these offer the best quality of web hosting service in a particular country, such as in India in this case. There are many websites that can be a threat to their visitor’s privacy and security. In this context, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a boon that fulfils this essential need. It provides its users online privacy, security as well as anonymity when browsing the Internet.VPN is the acronym for Virtual Private Network and it is meant to provide its users privacy and anonymity when they browse the Internet. It encrypts a user’s internet traffic and his online identity.

VPN encryption is an essential way to ensure a safe web browsing experience as it enables the user to protect his confidential data from cybercriminals, who cannot make sense of and hence cannot use the encrypted data. It also ensures a user’s privacy by making sure that the Internet user’s browsing activity cannot be monitored by governmental agencies, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and/or by any advertising agencies. This helps to evade any censorship enforced by the government with regard to Internet browsing. Additionally, it helps to evade Google’s tracking. With VPN encryption facility certain restrictions, such as geo-blocking, can be easily bypassed. It helps to provide a secure usage of public Wi-Fi. These are few of the many benefits that VPN encryption offers. Greater control over privacy, user’s web surfing security and anonymity are assured by VPN encryption, which is the prime reason for VPN’s popularity and usefulness.

VPN encryption functions by securing the data in the channel that connects the VPN client to the VPN server, to ensure prevention of its exploitation by any third party. Every time the user runs a VPN client and connects to a VPN server, the connection request is encrypted before it is sent to the server. Next, it is decrypted by the server and forwarded to the Internet. The requested data is encrypted once again at the time when the server receives it and before it’s sent back to the user’s device that is connected to the Internet. The received data is decrypted by the VPN client, in order for it to be viewed and comprehended. VPN encryption entails encryption keys, encryption algorithms, VPN encryption ciphers, VPN encryption protocols, handshake encryption, HMAC authentication, Perfect Forward Secrecy. In this context, a user needs to ensure that he or she has a long encryption key, which is at least 128-bit in size; reliable key exchange protocols, such as ECDH or RSA-2048; strong VPN ciphers, such as AES, Two fish, or Camellia; powerful VPN encryption protocols, such as Open VPN, Soft Ether, and IKEv2; a SHA-2 cipher for HMAC authentication (ideally 256-bit, 384-bit, or 512-bit) and Perfect Forward Secrecy features.


When it comes to VPNs, there is a catch. Not all VPNs provide data encryption. This is usually the case with free VPNs, which claim to offer encryption but don’t secure the user’s data at all. In the event where free VPNs actually provide encryption, it will entail a weak cipher, a small encryption key and less secure VPN encryption protocols like PPTP and L2TP. These offer no real encryption value on their own unless these are paired with IPSec. Moreover, with free VPNs there is a greater possibility of having a poorly-configured VPN encryption, which increases the likelihood of encountering cybercrimes by the users of free VPNs. Hence, it is always advisable to opt for a paid VPN service that is provided by a reputed and reliable service provider to enjoy the perks of a safe web browsing experience where one’s privacy never gets compromised.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

VPN’s Role in Ensuring a Safe Web Browsing Experience

Whenever we browse the Internet for our professional or our personal need, we expose ourselves to a plethora of cybercrimes that are always lurking around to exploit any vulnerability with regard to cyber security. Every time we connect to the Internet without implementing proper security measures, we run the risk of becoming victims of hazardous cyber attacks. We rarely keep track of the large number of websites we visit every day and the threat of a cyber attack is omni present. Moreover, data security assumes vital importance when using a publicly accessible Wi-Fi network, as there is the need to prevent people that are on the network from eavesdropping on the user’s internet activity.

To digress a little from the main topic, these websites that we visit, are hosted on the web servers of web hosting companies that provide the server space, services and the technologies that are required to make these websites accessible over the Internet. When one refers to a “Cloud Hosting Company” orto the “Best Windows Hosting Company” or to a “Website Hosting Company”, it is these website hosting service providers that are being addressed. In order to mitigate the risks related to cyber threats when visiting any website and to experience safe browsing, a user must consider the option of private browsing or opt for a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

VPN is the acronym for Virtual Private Network and it encrypts a user’s internet traffic and his online identity. This makes it harder for third-parties to break in and steal the user’s data. A virtual private network (VPN) ensures that the user has online privacy as well as anonymity. This is achieved by creating a private network from a public internet connection. A VPN masks the user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, so that his online actions become virtually untraceable. The best part is, VPN services establish secure and encrypted connections, which provide more privacy than a secure Wi-Fi hotspot. The encryption and anonymity that is offered by a VPN ensures the safety of a user’s online activities, such as online shopping, sending emails as well as paying bills. VPNs also aid in keeping a user’s web browsing activity anonymous. A VPN is a must-have for those who are concerned about their online security and privacy.

The user’s IP address is masked by a VPN. This is done by redirecting the IP address through a specially configured remote server, which is run by the VPN host. This leads to the VPN server becoming the origin of the user’s data, whenever the user browses the Internet using it. This results in it becoming impossible for the user’s ISP or any other third-parties to view the websites that the user visits or find any information related to whatever the user types. It can be alluded that a VPN acts like a filter ensuring that any data that is being sent and received through it, is rendered unreadable. This makes it useless for anyone who might intercept it.

VPNs function by essentially creating a direct path for data transfer between the user’s local network and an exit node, which is at another location. This location is usually thousands of miles away, which makes it seem as if the user is operating from another place rather than from his actual physical location. VPNs work by using encryption, which muddles the data when the data is sent over a Wi-Fi network. It is encryption that makes the data unreadable.

Additionally, in the absence of a VPN, a user’s internet service provider can become aware of the user’s entire browsing history. A VPN aids in hiding the user’s search history. It makes this possible by enabling the association of the user’s web activity with the VPN server’s IP address and not with that of the user’s. Since the servers of a VPN service provider are globally present, a user’s search activity will appear to originate from any location with the VPN server’s presence. Even the search engines that track the user’s search history associate the relevant information with an IP address that is different from that of the user’s. This is another way in which a VPN ensures the user’s online activities’ privacy.

In a nutshell, a VPN hides a user’s IP address as well as his location, his browsing history along with the location from where he is streaming. A VPN protects the data that is sent and received on a user’s devices from the prying eyes of hackers. To conclude, it ensures one’s freedom and maintains one’s privacy when browsing the Internet and proves to be an essential element that contributes to the safe web browsing experience of a user.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Easy Ways to Ensure Website Security

 In the world that we live in today,it is impossible to imagine a life that is devoid of the Internet. Since the advent of the Internet, it has revolutionized the way we lead our lives. From how we learn, gather information, entertain ourselves to how we stay connected with everyone and conduct our business and work, every aspect has been impacted significantly by the Internet. The importance of Internet cannot be emphasized enough and is clearly evident.

The way the Internet has become an inherent part of our lives with its presence in almost every aspect of our lives, makes it unavoidable to not have our privacy entangled with having a safe experience over the Internet. Every step must be taken to ensure that one has a safe experience when surfing the Internet. If proper care is not taken, then the cyber criminals can use a website to infect that site’s visitors with malware as well as steal the data from that website along with the confidential information of those visiting that website. The website owner of such a business, can incur an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) penalty which will make it challenging for this business to acquire new customers online. An infected website can get blacklisted. This can result in it losing its traffic and, in turn, revenue. Moreover, website clean-up costs way more than investing in proper security measures that will ensure the safety of a website.

The importance of ensuring proper security of a website can never be overemphasized. Any negligence can give the cyber criminals the opportunity that they are always waiting for, to exploit and take advantage of. Ensuring a website’s security can involve steps that range from being very simple and cost-effective to very complex and expensive. But there are some best practices that need to be followed and it is these on which this blog aims to shed light upon.

The first and foremost of these preventive security controls might sound so commonplace but is often overlooked, which makes a website vulnerable to cyber attacks. It is imperative to keep the software that one is using, up-to-date. This entails keeping updated all platforms and installed scripts. Any security issue that is part and parcel of a web software is an easy target for cyber criminals. Hence, programs need to be updated constantly, to overcome any fundamental security flaw that pre-exists. The importance of maintaining and updating software should be made a necessary part of one’s cyber security regimen.

When we think of cyber security, one of the very first things that comes to our minds is the word, “password”. In the context of passwords, it is of utmost importance to use a strong password. Cyber criminals are known to use Brute Force Attack to guess login information, encryption keys as well as find a hidden web page. The easiest way to ensure protection against this kind of a cyber attack, where one’s login data is at risk, is by creating passwords that are complex and contain letters of both, uppercase and lowercase, along with special characters and numerals.

Another important step that needs to be taken care of regarding one’s login pages, is to encrypt such pages. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption needs to be used on one’s login pages. SSL certificates create an encrypted connection which establishes a secure connection. SSL allows a secure transmission of sensitive data and confidential information,such as social security numbers, credit card details and login credentials. Any information that is entered on such a page is encrypted, so that it becomes meaningless to any third-party that might lay its hands on it. This proves to be of substantial help in averting any attempt at stealing one’s login credentials and other confidential data.

Keeping one’s website clean is another necessary security measure that needs to be taken care of. This should be ensured by deleting from one’s website such files, applications and databases which are no longer in use.It helps to keep one’s file structure organized to keep track of any changes that are made. Any website’s security scans must be performed regularly to bring to light any vulnerabilities related to the website or the server. Such security scans should be run in a scheduled manner, and more so whenever any change or addition is made to the website.

It is always advisable to backup one’s data regularly. In the untoward situation of one’s site becoming inaccessible or its data being lost, maintaining regular backups of one’s websites’ files will come in handy. One must make sure that one’s web hosting service provider backs up his own servers regularly. Somecontent management programs come with plugins and extensions that enable automatic backup of one’s website. Apart from that, one should back up regularly one’s databases as well as one’s content manually.

Every website has its files stored on the web server of some web hosting company. This web hosting company provides the server space, technology and the services that are needed to store and deliver the files of a website to its end users. Hence, it becomes crucial to opt for the web hosting services provided by such a company that has earned the reputation of being reliable and secure in its operation. Choosing a web hosting service that takes security issues seriously is extremely important. The web host should be abreast of the latest security threats and should use all the necessary controls to keep cyber attacks at bay, in order to keep the hosted website and its visitors safe from any cyber threat. The web host must not only provide constant technical support along with backup service (where the websites’ data is stored on a remote server) but also ensure that it is easy to restore the data in the unfortunate event of any site being hacked.

These are some of the very easy ways to keep one’s website secure as well as one’s experience of using the Internet safe. As the saying goes, “better safe than sorry”, it is always better and highly advisable to take proper security measures that help one to steer clear of cyber attacks.  Some website, at some place, is experiencing some cyber assault at this very moment. Cyber attacks have become extremely common these days and no one as well as no website with security vulnerabilities can remain immune to these attacks for long. Hence, greater emphasis should be placed on ensuring cyber security by employing every means that is possible.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Surreptitious “Remote Access Trojan” (RAT).

 In this day and age it is unimaginable to live in a world without any Internet connectivity, as the Internet has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. The numerous websites and web pages that we visit are made accessible to us through web hosting services which are provided by web hosting companies. These web hosting service providers lease the server space, services and technologies that are needed to make a website available online. Many of these web hosts have earned the reputation of being the best “Cloud Hosting Company” or the best “Windows Hosting Services 2020” or the best “Hosting Company in India” and abroad, as they offer excellent services consistently and cater to their broad spectrum of clients with the most affordable web hosting plans that are rich in features.

Every day we view numerous websites and click on many links on these web pages without being aware of the risk that we are exposing our devices to. Malicious software are always waiting for one mistake at the user’s end that will give these the opportunity to fulfil their purpose. The sole purpose of these malicious programs or malware is to harm either the vulnerable computer, computer network, the server or the user of these. These programs act covertly to gain access to or cause damage to the targeted device’s data. Another purpose that these malicious software serve, is gaining unauthorized access to a network. Any malware is usually delivered in the form of a file or a link that is sent over email. It requires the user to click on it, so that the malware can be executed. A huge range of malware types exist, which include viruses, Trojan Horses, worms, spyware, rogue software, ransomware, adware, wiper and scareware.

The content of this blog will focus on the malware, Remote Access Trojan (RAT). This malicious program gives the hacker the full administrative control remotely of the targeted device on which RAT gets installed. Once Remote Access Trojan infects a device, the hacker can access all the local files, login credentials and other personal information that are on it. It also enables the hacker to carry out covert surveillance on the affected device and monitor user behavior as well as use the connection for downloading viruses that could be propagated further to others. Additionally, this kind of malware can change the computer settings of the affected computer. RATs exhibit the characteristics of keylogger applications, as these enable the automated collection of keystrokes to acquire usernames, passwords etc. Many Remote Access Trojans are capable of scraping saved as well as cached passwords.

There are many Remote Access Trojans. Some of these are SubSeven, Back Orifice, ProRat, Turkojan, CyberGate, DarkComet, Optix, Shark, VorteX Rat and Poison-Ivy. The list of the names of Remote Access Trojans is quite long and it keeps growing continuously.

A RAT is very deceptive as it is usually an application that appears authentic but contains malware which gets downloaded and installed on the targeted device. Most RATs will leave no trace of their presence on the infected device. RATs can be used by cybercriminals to secretly activate the infected device’s microphone or webcam to listen to or watch the user at will.

Remote Access Trojans can be installed on a device in a number of ways, which are similar to the ways in which other malware make their way into a system. These can be transferred via email attachments, download packages, web links and torrent files. Victims of Remote access Trojans are known to have been lured into downloading it through social engineering techniques.

As is evident from the information provided in this blog, RATs are an extremely dangerous form of malware that collect a huge amount of information of the user who accesses the infected device. Remote Access Trojans’ presence on a device ascertains that any personal information that has been accessed on that infected device has been compromised. In that case an effective Anti-Malware should be installed and run on the infected device which will remove any associated files and registry modifications. Following that, the user should update instantly all login credentials from a device that is devoid of RAT and notify the system administrator of the RAT attack. In order to remain secure from such a cyber-attack, it is important to never click website links from unknown sources that one doesn’t trust and to never install software that one is not sure about and are provided by unknown parties. Additionally, one must never leave one’s device unlocked when in public and away from it. One must also use well-known Antivirus and Anti-Malware solutions that are known to be effective in providing security against Remote Access Trojans. As the saying goes, “Better safe than sorry”, one must always make use of every protective measure against every form of malware, including RAT, to have a comfortable and safe experience of using the Internet.


Monday, December 21, 2020

Router, its Types and Benefits

We live in a world that is driven by technology and the advent of Internet has impacted our lives drastically. Internet has made it easy to always remain connected to the latest information as well as use it for the purpose of entertainment and business in ways that no one had imagined to be possible in the past. Today we browse a wide range of websites regularly to avail a range of services that cater to our different daily needs. These websites are hosted with web hosting companies that offer the server space to store the files related to these websites, for those to be available for online viewing.  Not only do these web hosting companies provide the server space but also the services and the technology that are needed to enable the websites to remain accessible over the Internet. Web hosting services can be of different types, such as Shared, Dedicated, Cloud, Reseller, VPS and WordPress. When one hears terms, such as, the “best Windows Reseller Hosting Company” or the best “Linux Reseller Hosting Company”, it is the web hosting companies that are being talked about, whereas when one hears the term “Media Streaming Servers Hosting”, it is a type of a hosting service that is being referred to. This hosting service is provided by a hosting company.

In the context of websites and Internet, one essential tool is a router which performs the function of directing traffic on the Internet. This blog is aimed at providing information about routers, their types and their benefits. A router is essentially a networking device. Its role is to forward data packets between computer networks by selecting the best route to direct the packets, so that these reach quickly. Any data that is sent through the Internet is sent in the form of an electronic packet which is forwarded from one router to another, till the time it reaches its destination, which is the communication endpoint. This happens through the networks that form the internetwork, for example, the Internet.

A router is linked to two or more data lines that are from different IP networks. The router reads the network address information that is in the packet header to determine the ultimate destination. This takes place when a data packet comes on one of the data lines. Then the packet is directed to the next network on its way, by making use of the information that is in its routing table or routing policy. The routers exchange information through a routing protocol about destination addresses, in the scenario when multiple routers are used in interconnected networks. A minimum of two networks is needed, within which the router would be connected. These could be either two LANs (Local Area Networks) or a LAN and a WAN (Wide Area Network). Usually routers are at gateways where the networks are connected.

The home and small office routers are the type of IP routers that most people are familiar with. These forward IP packets between the home computers and the Internet. On the other end of the spectrum are the enterprise routers which are more complex and forward data at very high speed.

There are different types of routers, such as, wired, wireless, edge, core or virtual. These will be touched upon briefly in this section of the blog. As is evident from the name, a wired router is connected to the network with the aid of wires. When a device is connected to the Internet using an Ethernet cable, it is using a wired router. It provides a separate Wi-Fi access point. On the contrary, a wireless router creates a wireless signal. This type of a router is also called a Wi-Fi router or a residential gateway and is commonly found in use in home networks. It unites the functions of an edge router with a distribution router. It combines the networking functions of a wireless access point and a router. When wireless routers are publicly accessible, many users can connect to these and benefit from these.

Edge routers act as network edge’s gateways and are also called a gateway router. These are a network’s outermost connection point with external networks, which includes the Internet. These are optimized for bandwidth. An edge router is meant to connect to other routers, so that the data can be distributed to end users. Edge routers usually neither provide Wi-Fi, nor the ability to manage local networks completely. These are specialized routers which are usually used at the WAN level and are also referred to as access or branch routers. The function of these is to enable connectivity between an external network and an enterprise network.

A core router is a router that is positioned within the middle of the network and not at its periphery. It forwards packets to computer hosts within a network. Core routers are generally not needed by small businesses and are used by service providers or cloud providers. These provide maximum bandwidth so that additional routers or switches can be connected.

Some router functions are allowed by a virtual router to be virtualized in the cloud which are then delivered as a service. A virtual router is a type of a router that is best for large businesses, which have complex network needs to be taken care of. These lessen the management of local network hardware and provide flexibility along with scalability.

Routers have many benefits in general, such as, these help to reduce network traffic, which is achieved by creating collision domains and also by creating broadcast domains. These are configurable. This enables the network manager to make policies that are based on routing decisions. Another advantage of routers is that these can choose the best path across the internetwork. This is done by using dynamic routing algorithms. Yet another benefit that routers provide is that these ensure sophisticated routing, flow control along with traffic isolation. Moreover, the connections between different network architectures, such as Ethernet and token ring, are provided by routers. Routers can also provide security. Additionally, routers can be used to connect hard drives. This enables one to use these as file-sharing servers or printers which can be accessed by everyone on the network.

To conclude, every type of a router is meant to direct network data. Since it is the routers that connect people to networks, without these, it would not be possible to use the Internet for any purpose. Hence, a router is an indispensable networking device, which this blog has tried to bring to light by providing information about it, its types and benefits.


Friday, December 18, 2020

The Most Common Website Security Threats

 When most of us browse websites, rarely we try to delve deep into it with regard to how these sites are made accessible to us or the security threats that these websites face on a regular basis. The aim of this article is to shed light upon websites in the context of the most common cyberattacks.

Every website that we have ever visited or used for some purpose, has its data stored on a web server and delivered from there when a web browser program requests for it. These web servers are leased by web hosting companies that provide server space along with the necessary services and technologies for websites to be publicly accessible over the Internet. These web hosting services are of different types such as Windows Hosting, Cloud Hosting etc. Most web hosts provide different types of plans for web hosting. Many web hosts have earned the reputation of being the best Web Hosting Company by offering high quality of service consistently.

 In the context of websites, their security plays a significant role. Web security or cybersecurity detects cyber threats to a website or a web application and ensures an appropriate response to such threats, so that these threats are eliminated as well as their reoccurrence is averted. Web security is a continuous process of constant assessment of cyber threats as well as the security measures that are meant to eliminate these threats.  Website security refers to a collection of measures that are taken to secure a website from cyberattacks and is an essential aspect of website management. It ensures the prevention of and protection from phishing schemes, session hijacking, malicious attacks and redirects. These are a few of the many cyber threats that exist. Ensuring adequate web security is important for effective handling of SEO spam, as well as it eliminates to a large extent the risk of data theft. The major reasons for which websites’ vulnerabilities get exploited are to steal information that is stored on the server, to abuse the resources of the server, to trick bots and crawlers and to exploit site visitors.

Now let us touch upon some of the most common website security vulnerabilities and threats, in no particular order. The first one is SQL Injection, which is a type of cyberattack which is achieved by injecting malicious codes in a vulnerable SQL query. In it an attacker adds a specially crafted request within the message that is sent by the website to the database. The database query will be altered by a successful attack in a way that it will return the information that the attacker desires, rather than the information that the website expects. Moreover, it can modify or add information that is malicious to the database.

Another type of cyberattack is Credential Brute Force Attack. It is well-known that one of the most common vectors used to compromise websites is through gaining access to a website’s admin area, control panel or the SFTP server. In Credential Brute Force Attack, the attacker programs a script to try multiple combinations of usernames and passwords, until the one that works is found. Once the attacker is granted access, he can induce many malicious activities. These harmful activities can range from spam campaigns to credit card skimming.

Yet another common type of malicious attack is Cross-site Scripting (XSS). In it malicious client-side scripts are injected into a website and then the website is used as a propagation method. It gives the control to an attacker to inject content into a website which modifies the display of the website. This forces the browser of that website to execute the code provided by the attacker when loading the page. In case, a logged in site administrator loads the code, the script will be executed with his level of privilege. This poses a threat to the site as there is a strong possibility of site takeover.

Last but not the least is a DDoS Attack. DDoS refers to a Distributed Denial of Service attack which is a non-intrusive internet attack. It aims at either taking down the website that it targets or slowing it by flooding the network, application or server with fake traffic. These cyberattacks are very critical in the context of website security. When such an attack takes place, even the most minimum amount of traffic turns out to be sufficient enough for it to succeed.

This article touches upon some of the most common cyber threats in the ever-growing sphere of security threats for websites. It is meant to generate awareness about the potential risk that websites as well as website visitors face constantly. It highlights the importance of web security and serves as a reminder to website owners as well as visitors that when proper security measure are lacking, they are at a huge risk of falling victims to these malicious attacks.


Redirecting a website URL: A Comprehensive Guide

 Today we live in a world where Internet has become an inseparable part of our day-to-day lives and we end up visiting numerous websites for the purpose of gathering information or for providing us entertainment as well as for commercial purposes like buying and selling of products/ services. It is important for these websites to be hosted on the server of a website hosting company in order to be accessible over the Internet. These web hosting companies which are called web hosts provide all the necessary services as well as server space and make available the technology that is needed to make these websites accessible. Hosting is of many types such as shared, dedicated, VPS, Cloud, reseller, WordPress. There are various hosting plans based on the operating system, such as Windows or Linux. When we refer to “Windows Hosting” it indicates a type of hosting that is meant for the Windows operating system. Similarly, the terms “Top Cloud Hosting Company” or even “Best Web Hosting Company”, all refer to web hosting companies, with the former offering cloud hosting services and the latter offering the best quality of web hosting in general.

In the context of websites, it is imperative to mention the acronym, URL. Uniform Resource Locator or the URL of a website indicates the location of a particular website, web page or file on the Internet. URLs are made of multiple parts. This variation in it structure, impacts in many ways different websites’ security aspects as well as their Search Engine Optimization (SEO). URLs are way more complex than these are assumed to be in general. Any website URL will consist of three parts, which are, the protocol- HTTP or HTTPS; the domain name (including the TLD) and the path that directs the browser to a specific page on the website. Each individual web page as well as file on a website has its own URL.

In the context of URLs another term that one comes across frequently is “URL Redirect” which is also referred to as “URL Forwarding”. As is evident from the name itself, it redirects one’s domain’s visitors to a different URL. It means, it redirects one’s old URL to a new page. One’s domain name can be forwarded to any web page or website that can be accessed online. When anyone either types the original URL or clicks on it, he will be taken to that page for which the redirect has been set. This makes sure that visitors do not get a 404 error as well as prevents them from losing any important links that they might have created for that page, which is a crucial factor to pay attention to for search engine optimization (SEO). This also maintains the quality of user experience of those visitors who click on one of those links. This redirect can be implemented at the domain level or even page-by-page. The knowledge related to setting up a website URL redirect, is an important skill for those that own and run a website.

There are three main types of website URL redirects which will be mentioned here, in no particular order. Usually most website owners use the first one of these three. The first one is a 301 redirect. This refers to a permanent redirect and is the most frequently used redirect. Not only that, it is very powerful as well. This occurs on both levels, the browser as well as the server level. This type of redirect can be recognized as well as indexed by search engines. This makes it an ideal option for redirecting website URL in the context of SEO. Hence, it is recommendable in most cases to use a 301 redirect.

The next type of redirect is termed as a 302 redirect. It is a temporary redirect. It is advisable to use this kind of redirect only in that scenario when one intends to resume using the old URL at some time in the future.  An example of such a situation can be if a website owner is redesigning and recreating his site and wants to direct his website visitors to a different domain for the time being until that redesigned site is ready. This type of redirect is not used very frequently. Before one decides to opt for a 302 redirect, it is better to consider if what one really needs is a 301 direct and then take an informed decision.

Another type of redirect is meta refresh. In this case a website visitor usually gets a message that informs him that he is being redirected and in case that doesn’t happen within a certain time frame then he needs to click on a particular link. A meta refresh redirects the browser to a new page without updating the server. In this type of redirect one can clarify the amount of time that the redirect to a new page should take. This can be done when setting up a meta refresh. At times search engines might interpret a meta refresh redirect as a 301 redirect. This usually happens if the amount of time that has been allotted is as less as zero to one second. Meta refresh can lead to a bad user experience if it makes the website visitor wait to access the web page that he is seeking.

A website redirect comes in handy in many different situations. Some of these are, when one wants to redirect duplicate content to the original web page, redirect a subdirectory to a certain page on one’s website, redirect multiple domains to a single domain, redirect one’s old domain to a new one as well as when one wants to redirect an old URL to a new URL. All in all, a website URL redirect is a very useful technique that can help website owners in many ways when the need for it arises.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Shared Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting: A Comprehensive Guide

 In this day and age the use of Internet has become part and parcel of our daily lives. Internet has become an important as well as popular means of disseminating information as well as providing entertainment. It also provides opportunities for buying and selling and makes services and products available online for purchase and use. All these facilities are made accessible online via websites which need web hosting to be available to everyone via the Internet. Web Hosting is usually either a chargeable or at times a free service provided by a web hosting service provider company that enables anyone to make his website accessible through the Internet. Web hosting encompasses the services and technology that keep a website up and running efficiently. It can be of many types based on the server type. The major types of hosting services are- shared, dedicated, VPS, cloud, reseller, WordPress.

When we talk about shared and dedicated hosting in particular, each has its own benefits and which type of hosting will be the best for a person/company will depend on his/ his company’s specific requirements. For certain web hosting needs, a shared hosting service is good enough whereas dedicated hosting is better for others. Let us shed light upon it, so that this comprehensive information makes it easier to choose the best option between these two for web hosting based on one’s requirements.

Shared Web Hosting

As the name itself suggests, Shared Web Hosting refers to that type of web hosting service in which a website shares the same physical server space and its resources with one or more websites. Hence, the cost as well as the bandwidth and other features are shared among those that use it. This makes it a cost-effective web hosting option which makes it a popular choice for web hosting. The websites that share the server cannot access the accounts or websites of others. This helps to maintain the hosted websites’ security.

In the case of shared web hosting, the web hosting company will set up the user’s server and install all the necessary software. All that the user needs to do is upload his website. He can use easily the simple and user-friendly control panel and can create as well as manage his email account and database along with other tools.

It is budget-friendly, has a user-friendly control panel, is convenient to set up, takes very less time to set up and has a built-in cPanel to make website management effortless. It is an ideal option for website owners with low budget or those with smaller and simpler websites, for websites which receive limited traffic and don’t need customized configuration of the server, or where the content is updated very frequently, for bloggers and for small and medium-sized businesses which need a website to increase their reach. It is also an excellent option for those who don’t know how to configure a server or install and upgrade software and for those that find it challenging to perform technical maintenance. Apart from that, it is advisable to opt for shared web hosting when someone is new to web hosting.

Dedicated Web Hosting

It is a type of web hosting service provided by a web hosting company in which a server and its resources are dedicated for the use of a single website. Here, one particular website owner is the sole user of the server and its resources. It ensures greater flexibility to manage the website by enabling full control over server configuration as well as over the overall operating environment. It also lets the user enjoy a much larger spectrum of software and services to choose from.  It is one of the safest web hosting options with maximum level of privacy and control. Dedicated web hosting is an expensive option when compared to shared web hosting, as in this case one server is exclusively allotted to a website.

Since all the resources of a single server are at the user’s disposal, dedicated web hosting ensures augmented performance with enhanced security and greater control over the server. It gives fast loading times and constant high uptime. Since the server is not shared with any other website, the performance of the website hosted on it is extremely stable. Despite being an expensive option it has the best price-to-performance ratio.

Dedicated web hosting is one of the best hosting options for websites that experience a lot of traffic, have strict need for customization and security, large enterprise level organizations and business critical applications. It is an ideal choice for businesses that are continuously expanding and hence have a need for greater control and flexibility when it comes to their servers’ customization. This type of web hosting is a powerful option for those users who want to choose their software and make sure that their system is always adaptable to changing needs. It is an advisable choice for websites that contain high-resolution photos and stream a large volume of videos or those that want a unique IP address which is not shared with any other website.

With so many beneficial features and a dedicated server exclusively catering to a user’s website, dedicated hosting comes at a higher price than shared hosting but it is totally worth it if one requires greater control and enhanced security. It requires strong technical skills and knowledge otherwise the user will need to opt for a web hosting package that provides support for building and maintain the equipment.

Web hosting service and plans should never be considered with a one-size-fits-all approach. Every website has its own hosting requirements which must be taken into account when opting for a web hosting service type or package. “Knowledge is power”. Equipped with this important information that has been shared here, anyone who faces confusion when choosing between shared and dedicated hosting options for his website, will be able to identify what he needs to look for when availing the right type of web hosting service. This will enable him to make a fruitful decision that will best suit his specific web hosting requirements.


Monday, December 14, 2020

 Let’s go through the basic differences and information about shared hosting, Virtual Private Server and Dedicated server.

Shared Hosting

With shared hosting services, a single server gets shared with several websites or users. A web server consists of a processor, hard drive and memory power. Therefore, in shared hosting, you get a small portion of a web server that is shared with several other users and websites. Also, with shared hosting, you will not get the option of customization of the server but you will get the benefit of sharing the maintenance cost of your web server. Shared hosting is one of the most popular types of web hosting services available in the market and is considered to be the ideal solution for personal websites and small businesses.


With shared hosting, you will only get access to a limited number of resources.

 Due to the sharing of the same server with several other users, the performance of your website will get affected.

Web security is one of the major concerns of the shared hosting environment.

For certain applications, you will have to set up a firewall in order to protect your website.

Most web hosting provider companies also offer limited or sometimes no customer support to shared hosting users.

Virtual Private Server

As, we have gone through the limitations of shared hosting services. So, when your business starts to grow, updating your web hosting plan from shared to another will be a smart move for your business. And VPS hosting service is considered to be the ideal next step to be taken after shared hosting services.

With VPS hosting services, each website is hosted by a virtual server that is basically a division of more powerful hardware.

In VPS hosting environment, a powerful physical machine gets segmented into various virtual division and each virtual division is implemented with a server software setup. Therefore, each virtual server will work independently, so will be the server resources. So, you will be allotted with a certain amount of server resources that can’t be shared with other users.

When to consider VPS hosting:

When your business or website starts to grow

When your website drives more traffic and visitors

If you are planning to improve security on your website due to highly sensitive and confidential data present on your website.

If you are planning to create multiple business email accounts.

If you are thinking to expand your business such as planning to host several blogs, websites and install multiple applications on your site.

Benefits of Virtual Private Server:

Due to the independent virtual server, you will get access to good bandwidth and space storage.

Customization is available, that means, you can upgrade and downgrade your web hosting plan as per your business requirements.

You will get the option of 24*7 availability of customer support.

The option of daily backups of data will be provided to VPS users.

 High level of web security will also be there with VPS hosting.

 Dedicated Server

As the name suggests, a dedicated server is a type of web hosting in which its server is fully dedicated to a single website only. For large businesses and enterprises, this web hosting solution is considered to be an ideal option. As you will get the entire server to your website, it would definitely cost you more but offer you various benefits as well. However, if you are using VPS hosting and you have established your business as one of the leading enterprises in the market, then it’s high time to move to a dedicated server hosting. A dedicated server comes with various benefits, features and functionalities. Also, you will get full control and full freedom on your website customization.

Going for the right web hosting provider has a vital role as well. Therefore, search well and then finalize your hosting provider. I have been using HTS hosting for the past 2 years and haven’t experienced as such server issue so far. I would highly recommend it to everyone.

To know more about HTS Hosting, kindly visit



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